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smart city

Cities build for
a better life 

Europe is one of the most urbanized regions in the world,

where nearly 75% of the population lives in cities and metropolitan areas.

This trend will continue until it reaches around 85% in 2050.

Urbanization thus becomes a key trend that affects our lives, brings new challenges, but also endless possibilities.

Smart solutions are a key part of this transformation, taking into account concern for the environment and involving citizens in decision-making.

Become part of the worldwide SMART CITY phenomenon,

which changes both world metropolises and small towns.

Who can enter
the competion?

The competition is a platform for presenting and sharing the latest trends in the area of SMART CITY, which aim to improve the quality

of life in our cities and towns.

Who can submit their projects to the competition?
Really everyone - city, village, region,

but also a private supplier of smart solutions.

Join us and show everyone what the future of our cities can look like. We look forward to your innovative ideas and solutions that

will help create better cities for all 

Private companies

region, microregion, association of municipalities, MAS


up to 10,000 thousand inhabitants


City or district



of all announced categories


This category is intended for projects that excel in various aspects of innovative solutions and bring something unique and valuable to its residents and visitors.


The "Idea" category in the Smart Cities competition aims to support innovative ideas and smart solutions that have not yet been implemented, but reflect current trends in the Smart City field.

education & innovation

This category evaluates projects that support the development of education and research

and innovation in the urban environment to enhance the potential of residents and contribute

to the growth and prosperity of the city through modern technology.

The category evaluates innovations that bring modern and effective healthcare to the urban environment, support disease prevention and increase quality

life of the inhabitants.


This category recognizes projects that use modern technology and digital tools to improve the management of city and municipal affairs.


This category recognizes projects that help the transition to efficient energy systems and support decarbonisation in cities and towns.


This category recognizes projects that contribute to the better movement of people and goods

within the city and between cities.

Urban planning & lifestyle

This category recognizes projects that use modern technologies and innovative approaches to improve quality of life, sustainability and the environment in urban and rural areas.


This category honors leaders who can harness the potential of digital

and physical assets of the city to improve the quality of life of residents, support innovation

and the development of the green economy

health &



The solution was successfully implemented

and does not show long term

deviations from planned parameters.


The solution essentially contributes to the stability of the local economy, adheres to environmental principles and supports the use of the solution by the general public. Sustainability is evaluated

from the points of view: organizational, operational, financial

and institutional.


The solution shows the achievement of specific or expected savings. Saving means not only an economic effect, but also an energy effect, the effect of process optimization

and more.


The solution is accessible to citizens, supports data sharing and openness. The solution represents an innovation, supports a new type of service

and the creation of functional utilities of the municipality/city/region.

Together for cities,
in which
we lives well

Europe is one of the most urbanized regions in the world,

where nearly 75% of the population lives in cities and metropolitan areas.

This trend will continue until it reaches around 85% in 2050.

Urbanization thus becomes a key trend that affects our lives, brings new challenges, but also endless possibilities.

Smart solutions are a key part of this transformation, taking into account concern for the environment and involving citizens in decision-making.

Become part of the worldwide SMART CITY phenomenon,

which changes both world metropolises and small towns.

smart city hub

interaktivní databáze hodnocených projektů 

vítězné projekty

ročníku 2023

TessaBot (Citymind) 


chytrá komunikace občana

s městem

Chatbot jménem TessaBot, založený na umělé inteligenci (AI),

který pomáhá občanům komunikovat s městy a obcemi. Využití

však může najít i na vládním portálu ČR, webech ministerstev nebo dalších institucích veřejné správy a samozřejmě webech měst a obcí. Chatbot TessaBot slouží jako virtuální zástupce města a má ambici nejen šetřit čas občanům, ale také nahrazovat klasické vyhledávače

na webu a odstraňovat nutnost reakcí na textové dotazy osobně zaměstnancem úřadu.


mediální partneři

Firefly obrázek bílého plastového telefonního sluchátka na krémově bílém pozadí

contact us

Zvonarka 92/5,

602 00 Brno

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